Crowdfunding Plan

Crowdfunding Reuleaux
Kickstarter / Global pre-sale

“The harder the road, the highest the fun. Nature is Awesome.”

Outstanding Sahara


The wind increased to a howl; the waves dashed their bucklers together; the whole squall roared, forked, and crackled around us like a white fire upon the prairie, in which, unconsumed, we were burning; immortal in these jaws of death.

Floating on the waves we saw the abandoned boat, as for one instant it tossed and gaped beneath. There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke.

Crushed in the bottom of the boat. Suddenly Queequeg started to his feet, hollowing his hand to his ear. We all heard a faint creaking, as of ropes and yards hitherto muffled by the storm. The sound came nearer and nearer; the thick mists were dimly parted by the way. Again we swam for it, were dashed against it by the seas, and were at last taken up and safely landed on board.

There we sat up to our knees in the sea, the water covering every rib and plank, so that to our downward gazing eyes the suspended craft seemed a coral boat grown up.

Crowdfunding the ‘Reuleaux’

HeboAudio’s Reuleaux speaker crowdfunding project is a combination of innovation and classic audio feast. This project aims to bring a unique and high-quality audio product to music lovers, and use crowdfunding to promote the smooth development and early-stage production of the product.

The characteristics of the Reuleaux speaker lie in its unique design and excellent sound quality. The speaker integrates a number of industry-leading audio technologies and innovative designs to achieve a perfect balance in sound quality, usability, and appearance design. Its excellent low-frequency performance and high-definition mid-high frequency will bring unparalleled audio experience to you.

The success of this project will not only provide high-quality audio products to consumers, but also inspire and boost the HeboAudio team. In addition, through the promotion of the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform, this project will receive broader attention and support, further promoting the sustainable development and innovation of the audio industry.

To ensure the smooth progress of the project, we plan to raise funds through various methods including pre-sales, crowdfunding, and regular sales. Pre-sales are mainly aimed at locking in some production costs, crowdfunding can help us raise funds on a large scale, and regular sales will provide us with sustained income after the product is officially launched.

For investors, they will have the opportunity to obtain our returns. Among them, equity investment will enable investors to become shareholders of the company and enjoy long-term capital gains; bond investment will bring stable fixed returns to investors.

If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact us through our social media platforms or by sending an email to We will be dedicated to answering your questions and sharing the latest progress of the project.

Let’s work together to bring an excellent audio feast to music lovers!

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